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"I love the smell of napalm in the morning!"
I hope you do too :). This page shows my Vietnam era SEALs. Unlike most of the photos on this site, these figures are unaltered from their original design by the manufacturer. Why? Because I haven't man ideas how SEALs looked, because they dressed several different ways back then.

  It's a walk through the park These pictures are of two different SEALs in the dense jungle's of Vietnam, and maybe Cambodia? (SSSHHH). The one with the Fu-Man-Chu is sporting ERDL Unis with his grandfather's bucket hat, and a box fed M-60 LMG. The box, is a huge metal container on the back of his frame back. The 60 is fed by 7.62 linked in a belt, running through an additional metal carrier, into the gun. Also, he has a Colt .45 with extended clip, and several hand grenades, along with a nice looking ka-nife :)

Kinda blurry, maybe i'll take some more and post them
  Just give me a shotgun and a knife! The other SEAL is the pointman. He carrues a long boom-stick known to us as the shotgun. He also sports an ERDL uniform, though slightly different, as this one has build in pouches, possibly an early form of assault vest. He carries an OD pouch that carries his shotgun ammo and 40mm grenades for the MK-71 slinged over his back.

Where's the VC?
  Yes, he is carrying the North Vietnamese flag! Why? I don't know. Maybe the manufacturer thought it looked good, or maybe SEALs collected them as war booty, or maybe they used them to confuse the enemy, I just wouldn't want to be the enemy of them either way.

I don't know, maybe we scared him off burning his rice!

1:6th SEALs